Thursday, September 30, 2010

Garrysmod Community News blogspot!

Greetings all viewers of this site. If you have been referenced to this site then your one of the first to see the beginning of the garrysmod community news, on Blogspot.
Since the change of, the only other site where you could hear of the community news of garrysmod is now on facepunch, well now with the garrysmodcommunity news page, you can post your downloadable content, videos, and more on this site for people to view. just send a news submission to the email that will be provided in the about me page. thanks and start posting.

NOTE: we are looking for blog moderators, and if you feel like helping to moderate this forum, please contact me at the contact email provided in the news submission info page. and i will contact you about if you would like to join.